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Jennifer Toutant is a wisdom seeker, truth speaker and inspired mama of three. Through body-positive yoga, breathwork, intuitive energy healing and spiritual mediumship, she invites you to tap into your heart and get inspired to be the very best version of yourself. Break down the armour you've been carrying around and allow your heart lead you as you journey through this beautifully messy and sometimes chaotic thing call life.

Your heart knows the way. Live a life that moves you.

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Jennifer Toutant

Founder & CEO

My Story...

From as early as I can remember I felt different; like I didn't quite belong; didn't fit the mold. What I've come to realize is that I simply wasn't aligned with my true self. It wasn't until I took my very first yoga class...

...something shifted.

I was so nervous but the intimate setting, the heart-opening practice, and the freedom-encouraging teacher absolutely sold me. Later that following year, I would embark on my own yoga teaching, self-awareness journey.

And I'd never look back.

Being introduced to yoga was all I needed to begin an all-inclusive journey of getting to know my higher self. One training program led to another and here I am, nearly 10 years later, still learning but oh so ready to FINALLY share all that I have to offer with my community and the world.


As a full-time working mama of three, I desire to spend most of my time with my kids. I enjoy teaching yoga and mindfulness to them and many of their friends through my other business, Shine Kids Yoga. When I'm not teaching kids, you can find me trying to balance our busy lifestyles by teaching healing, restorative yoga and meditation classes. More recently, I've felt called to share more of the energy work, healing techniques and soul coaching methods I've learned over the years.


I am passionate about sharing my wisdom and kindness with people who don't think they’re able to practice yoga because they don’t "fit the part". I also have a strong desire to help women, the mothers and nurturers of the world, to get to know their true selves. To investigate their inner workings and use their own unique intelligence to live an inspired life - balanced and WHOLE. Body - Mind + Soul. Have a look around my site and let me know where you're ready to grow. I look forward to working with you.

Jen ~ xo

The first time I walked into the room, I felt so welcomed and at ease. Jen's energy is so a big, warm hug!

- Yoga Student, Fort McMurray

Practicing Yoga with Babies
Qualifications & Training

e-RYT200/300 - Experienced Yoga Teacher

RCYT - Children + Teens Yoga Teacher

RPYT - Prenatal Yoga Teacher

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Trauma-Informed Yoga for Youth Educator

Certified Lifestyle Meditation Teacher

Certified HypnoBirthing Educator

Certified Reiki Practitioner

Compassionate Human Who Cares About YOU

Energy Healing
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